Ransom the Cure

His Royal Highness Amos the Pious posted this to the Atlantia Facebook pageClicking this link will lead to an external site. yesterday.

We will be starting a series of charity tournaments to benefit the American Cancer SocietyClicking this link will lead to an external site. at Coronation this weekend. It is Our wish that these tourneys, called “Ransom the Cure” Charity Tournaments, will be held at each Atlantian Royal progress event.

Cancer has affected most of us in some way even if you have only known a friend or had a family member who has battled cancer you know the importance of this cause. Finding a cure is one of the most important battles that we face today and together we can help win that battle.

Each “Ransom the Cure” tournament will run separate from the regularly scheduled events so that once a fighter is removed from the main tournament they can join the charity tournament at any time. It will be run bear-pit style but each fighter only has one “life”. Once defeated, the fighter is considered captured and can only rejoin the tournament once they have been ransomed. Ransoms can be paid by the fighter or any sponsor may pay a fighter’s ransom by making a donation ($1 recommeded). The ransom monies will be separated by the fighter who won them and at the end of the day the person who has raised the most ransoms will be named the victor of the tournament and win a prize to commemorate their deeds for this noble cause.

I know that the noble populace of Atlantia has it in their hearts to support this cause and give a little somthing to ransom your favorite warrior and that the warriors of Atlantia have the strength to do great deeds of prowess to help earn ransoms. Atlantia has proven time and again that together there is nothing that can stop us.

Pax Vobiscum
– Amos, Princeps

As His Royal Highness said, all of us have known someone who has been affected by cancer at some point. Here in our own Barony, we have recently seen members of our populace fight this battle. If you are planning to go to a Royal Progress event, please consider bringing a little something extra to help the cause.

To find out about upcoming Royal Progress events, see the Kingdom of Atlantia Calendar.


This Week in Lochmere

This week in Lochmere is our regular combo night along with fighter practice on Tuesday night from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm.

Combo night is a social occasion where newcomers and veterans are encouraged to come and mingle. Our Minister of Arts & Sciences will also be there (per Lady Lisette, after 7:30) to assist and encourage those who bring along arts & sciences projects.

As always our fighter practice continues for both armored and rapier combattants. With Lochmere’s next event being Night Out of Town, now is a great time to sharpen your rapier skills!

Both combo night and fighter practice are held at Talbot Springs Elementary School in Columbia.

Talbot Springs Elementary School
9550 Basket Ring Road
Columbia, MD 21045

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Midwinter’s Revel Royal Court Report

Unto the Populace of Atlantia,

Herein begins the report for the court of Their Royal Majesties, Vladimir and Kalisa, Tsar and Tsaritsa of Atlantia, held this evening, the 19th of January Anno Societatis XLII, in Their Barony of Lochmere at the event Midwinters Revel. Their Royal Majesties opened first with a welcome to all before summoning forward the children of Atlantia. After instructing the children to chase the man with the box, Their Royal Majesties unleashed the children upon the great toy quest.

Their Royal Majesties next summoned Lady Oliva Isabelle from the Barony of Caer Mear. After commending Lady Oliva for her work as Royal Scrivener, Their Royal Majesties made Lady Oliva a Companion of the Coral Branch.

Next Their Royal Majesties called forward Genevieve Dompier Du Marche to commend her for her diligent work in support of the Barony and award her arms.

Laird Seanne Alanysn was next summoned into Their Royal Majesties’ presence. For his service to Atlantia and the Shire of Roxbury Mill, Laird Seanne was inducted into the Order of the Opal.

Following this, Their Royal Majesties bid the newcomers of Atlantia to come forward. After thanking them for coming and commending them as the future of Atlantia, Their Royal Majesties presented each newcomer with a Spike token.

Their Royal Majesties next called for Lady Madeleine Rose de Cardeville. They commended Lady Madeleine on her leadership of a commedia troupe (Gli Zelanti), and inducted her into the Order of the Coral Branch.

Next Their Royal Majesties summoned Lady Errenach the Lost of Lochmere. After praising her efforts in the commedia troupe, Their Royal Majesties made Lady Errenach a Companion of the Opal.

It pleased Their Royal Majesties to called Elena Margarida de la Vega y Serrano into Their court, to commend her efforts in the support of Lochmere, and to award her arms.

Their Royal Majesties next called forward the youths, Nikolai Kievski, Sabina Claremond, Gunnar Bloodax, Joseph Galmrson, and Alasandra de Leon. For their exemplary acts of service—many of the youths came directly from the kitchen—these youths were award the Hippocampus.

Following this, Their Royal Majesties gave leave to Their Excellencies, Galmr and Eydís, Baron and Baroness of Lochmere, to conduct court. When Their Excellencies’ court had concluded, Their Royal Majesties concluded court with one last matter.

It pleased Their Royal Majesties in the morning to place on vigil Baroness Elizabeth Harlyn from Their Barony of Storvik to contemplate elevation to the Order of the Pelican. As the last matter of Their court, Their Royal Majesties summoned Baroness Elizabeth Harlyn and the Order of the Pelican. After receiving testimonies from representatives of the Rose, the Chivalry, the Laurel, and the Pelican, and after receiving Baroness Elizabeth’s oath, Their Royal Majesties found it fitting to elevate her to the Order of the Pelican, Mistress Elizabeth Harlyn.

Their being no further business, Their Royal Majesties closed Their court.

Update: Following the evening feast, Their Royal Majesties opened another court heralded by Bantiarna Shannon inghean Bhriain uí Dhuilleáin in which they presented Marcus Galmrson with an award of the Hippocampus.


Classes Announced for Midwinters Revel

Lady Lisette la Rouxe has posted the ‘final’ class list for Lochmere’s Midwinters Revel 2013: ‘Oh! The Scandalous Shenanigans!’ or, as I like to call it, “It’s Lady Christiana’s World and We’re Just Here to Learn (and I’m okay with that).”

The full course-listing with descriptions, fees, etc., along with all of the other information associated with the event are available on the event page, but the following is a quick run-down.
Continue reading ‘Classes Announced for Midwinters Revel’ »


January Webminister Report

Full Report — Barony of Lochmere Webminister Report – Dec 2013

This month in the Lochmere Webministry, I have a volunteer for emergency website deputy and I have done a major overhaul on the website. The full report contains full details on the new features and purposes of our website, our social media presence, and the beginnings of a plan for a social media initiative.
Continue reading ‘January Webminister Report’ »
