Interested in Helping?
It takes a village to operate a local group, and we have lots of places we need help. If you’re interested, please contact the Seneschal or the Baronage and we will enthusiastically discuss what we can do to help you get more involved. Additional information about the Barony’s positions can be found here.
Seneschal Lady Marta de Lyon (She/Her):
Baron Linhart Von Marburg (He/Him):
Baroness Letia Thistelthueyt (She/Her):
Open Positions
Open Event Steward
- Battle on the Bay 2023 Deputy Event Steward (Will be Event Steward in 2024)
- On Target 2024 Event Steward
- Night on the Town 2024 Event Steward
Other Help Needed
We are currently seeking a new Baronial Chatelaine for Lochmere. The Chatelaine position is responsible for organizing SCA outreach events (demos), coordinating newcomer Activities (intro to SCA classes, social events, and more), outreach to new members, and ensuring newcomers are equipped with garb for their first few events.
Deputy Seneschal
We currently have one Deputy Seneschal, but it would be nice to have another trusted individual who can run a business meeting, or attend an event in the case that either the Seneschal or current Deputy Seneschal cannot make it. Do you want to become Seneschal someday in the future? This is a fantastic way to learn the ropes and what is required of a Baronial Seneschal.
Minister of Minors/Chancellor of Youth Activitie
Organize and facilitate youth activities for the Barony. The position must be warranted, and hopefully you enjoy working with children and their parents and caregivers. A background check is required. A report must be submitted following every youth activity.
Knight Marshal
Must be an active Marshal in at least one discipline. Regularly attend fighter practice. Ensure waivers are filled out by non-members and file them quarterly with Atlantia’s Waiver Secretary. Fill out reports for any issues that occur at practice. Submit marshal reports quarterly. Assist in finding/recruiting the Marshal In Charge (MIC) for Lochmere-hosted events.
Battle on the Bay 2023 Deputy Event Steward
This is a GREAT opportunity to learn how to Event Steward an event. This is an event that Lochmere shares and runs in partnership with The Barony of Storvik. As Deputy, you will shadow the Storvik Event Steward and learn how to run Battle on the Bay. By volunteering, you are committing to be Event Steward for Battle on the Bay in the following year. When you are event Steward the following year, you will have a Deputy shadowing you from Storvik.
On Target 2024 Event Steward
Great event for the first time event steward. The event is small and easy to run. You will need an Archery Marshall. Usually requires a commitment to be onsite 2 evenings the week before the event to spray for poison ivy and decide what items under the pavilion will need to be moved out. As autocrat you should be there the day before the event to help set up targets and the day after to help take down targets and clean up the site. Master Reynard is the liason to the site owner and the caretakers who live across the street and will confirm dates and get a contract signed.
Night on the Town 2024 Event Steward
This is a historically rapier heavy event, but also has other activities (when we have been able to accomodate); A&S competitions, Archery and Thrown weapons, and a feast. This is also the event at which we hold Lochmart (Organized by Mistress Arianna).
What is Lochmart?
For those who have not yet had the “Lochmart Experience,” Lochmart is our version of an SCA yard sale. Simply bring the gently used SCA-appropriate items you wish to sell to the event site on the Friday of the event or on the Saturday Morning of the event. We’ll sell it for you! All items must be clean, in good repair, and have a price tag attached. The tag should include your name to ensure that we can properly notate the sale on your “accounting sheet.” Clothing should be on hangars.
Interested in helping make someone very happy with a small piece of art? The art can be practically anything as long as it can carry words and has a historical base. Most common are scrolls based on medieval illuminated manuscripts but I’ve seen a wide variety including embroidery, metal etching, and wood-burned pieces. Interested but don’t have the skills yet? We can get you started! Interested but worried you aren’t/won’t be good enough? We can help build confidence and skills! We’d love to speak to anyone interested.
Interested? Please contact Lady Eilionora at
Do you have an interest in a thing and want to share it? Want to teach class at an event but you’re nervous and want to practice? Come teach at Lochmere’s fighter practice/ A&S social! Practice night doesn’t work for you or can’t do it with the noise or the class has specific special needs? We can work with you to make it happen. Want to teach but don’t know how to take an interest and make it into a class? We can help!
Interested? Please contact Lady Eilionora at
Retaining is a volunteer position where you get to hang with the Baronage and help them stay hydrated, fed, going where they need to be, and carry items they might need to tote around. Most importantly, it shows that the Barony takes care of their Baronage and wants to show them off. Benefits for you include seeing parts of events you might not typically go to, meeting all sorts of people, and occasionally getting to help make someone’s event special. It’s a low stress way to get a broader view of the SCA.
Interested? Please contact Lady Eilionora at