Do You Want to Be a Webminister?

Greetings all,

As I announced back in September, I am stepping down as Webminister after Mid-Winter’s. I no longer have the time to dedicate to running our website. If you are interested in stepping up as Webminister, here are the things you need to know.

First and foremost you should know how to use our website. If you have not already, you should register for the website. The site is mostly automated, but you cannot maintain it (easily) without editor privileges. Beyond that, click around and navigate the site yourself. Try to get an understanding of the logic of the site. You will be free to change that logic when it’s your turn, after all.

The second requirement is like unto the first: you need to know how to use WordPress. The nice thing about WordPress is there is a ton of information on how to get the most out of it on the internet. The most important resource is the WordPress Codex. If you ever need an answer quickly, doing a search on your search engine of choice or on YouTube can be very helpful.
Continue reading ‘Do You Want to Be a Webminister?’ »


Mid-Winter’s Revel Flyer

The event flyer for Mid-Winter’s Revel: the Feast of Saint Brigit is now available.

Mid-Winter’s Eve has come and gone, and the days have slowly begun to grow longer again. With joy in their hearts and warmth in their hearths, the citizens of Lochmere open their homes to travelers from near and far to celebrate the coming of Spring. This year we celebrate the Irish-themed Feast of Saint Brigit of Kildare, or Imbolc for the Gaelically inclined. (Read More…)
