Royal Court Report – Night Under the Town

Señor Santiago Ruiz de Zaragoza
Unto Their Royal Majesties, Cuán MacDaige and Pádraigín Ó hEachach,

Most High and Mighty Sovereigns,

In obedience to Your Majesties’ commands, herein begins my account of the Courts of Your Royal Majesties held this 31st day of March, Anno Societatis XLVI, being the Gregorian year 2012, in the Barony of Lochmere at the event Night under the Town.

In the evening, His Majesty conducted court. After greeting the populace and causing the sun to shine upon the faces of the populace, His Majesty gave leave to Lochmere to conduct Baronial Court. Your Majesties may surely find the business of Their Excellencies’ Court in the report belonging to Lady Máire inghean Dhúncháin mhic Oisdealbhaigh, Pursuivant, who heralded for Their Excellencies.

When Your MajestiesCourt resumed, His Majesty bid the newcomers stand that He may greet them.

His Majesty next commanded the presence of Lady Caitilín inghean Fheichín from the Barony of Ponte Alto. For her bravery on the field at Gulf Wars, Lady Caitilín was awarded a Shark’s Tooth.

Next, His Majesty summoned Annalee of Lochmere. His Majesty graciously thanked Annalee for her service and dedication to the arts, and raised her to the nobility of Lochmere, awarding her arms and giving her a token as promise of a scroll.

His Majesty then commanded the presence of Master Áedán Aylwyn. When Master Áedán had taken his place, His Majesty summoned Lord Matheu Herrero de Cádiz. After relating the feats of bravery accomplished by Lord Matheu and Master Áedán at Gulf Wars, His Majesty award Lord Matheu a Shark’s Tooth through Master Áedán.

His Majesty next summoned James of Lochmere, better known as James the Well-Accessorized or James the Accessory. Dismissing the notion that He had summoned James for his finery, His Majesty commended James for his willing service by raising him to the ranks of the nobility, awarding him arms and giving a token as promise of a scroll.

Next His Majesty summoned Gwen of Lochmere. His Majesty made note of Gwen’s service both in Atlantia and in her previous Kingdom, and raised her to the nobility, awarding her arms.

Lastly, His Majesty commanded the presence of Lady Máire inghean Dhúncháin mhic Oisdealbhaigh. For her consistent willingness to teach the arts, Lady Máire was inducted into the Order of the Coral Branch.

Having completed all business possible at that time, thus closed the evening Court of Your Royal Majesties.

During the feast, when the populace was well-sated and the award recipients were unable to escape His Majesty’s radiance, His Majesty did hold court again. His Majesty first commanded the presence of Lord Vels Inn Viggladi. For his dedication to the art of woodworking, Lord Vels was made a Companion of the Coral Branch.

His Majesty next invited Frau Annalies Gabriels and Brandi of Lochmere before Him. He gave leave to them to conduct business in His Presence. Frau Annalies and Brandi requested the presence of Arglwyddes Saige ferch Cedwyn upon whom they bestowed the award given them for their service to the Lochmere Assassins Guild.

Then His Majesty commanded the presence of Armegardj Sigirdsdottir. His Majesty commended Armegardj and noted that it would only be fitting to her new station as Lochmere’s Rapier Champion that she be awarded arms and raised to the nobility of Atlantia.

At that point, His Majesty summoned the cooks of the evening’s feast into His Presence. Once all were present, His Majesty thanked the cooks and all who served in the kitchen and bid the populace drink a health to them.

The last order of business for the evening was to summon Baroness Dealla Cohen into Court. His Majesty officially installed Baroness Dealla as Deputy Earl Marshal for Thrown Weapons.

All Royal business having been completed, thus closed the Court of Their Royal Majesties.

I beg Your Majesties to hold me ever in Your protection; and I remain, praying our Lord God for Your Majesties’ lives and the increase of much greater States,

Your Servant,
Señor Santiago Ruiz de Zaragoza, Cornet


Lochmere Fight Practice updates

Fight practice can be held inside the school every week until June 5th. The following week will be outside, weather permitting, as the school is closed.

I will be posting cancellations on local baronial lists, the Rapier list, Grand Army and Storvik rapier list. You can also sign up for the Lochmere twitter feed for timely notifications of cancellations.

The Sgt of St Aidens will be conducting Melee practice outside, weather permitting every week.



Follow Lochmere

You can now follow the Barony of Lochmere on Twitter (@LochmereSCA), Facebook (LochmereSCA), and YouTube (LochmereSCA).

News posted here to the official Lochmere website will also be re-broadcast to Twitter and Facebook, so if you need to stay on top of the latest news (like schedule changes), follow us on Twitter and avoid the e-mail glut. For more on social media in the Barony, come out to the business meeting, or see my forthcoming article in The Dredgings.


We have photos!

At long last, dear friends, I’ve found a photo album tool that I like and that doesn’t break the site! It’s the little things that count. You can view our photo albums by clicking the Photos link above and selecting the album.

Right now we only have one album, Midwinter’s 2012, but that will, of course, change over time. If you have any photos from Midwinter’s (or any other event with a date you can supply) and I have your release forms then feel free to send them to me by e-mail. I will also be bringing release forms with me to the Business Meeting on Monday night or you can go ahead and print one up from our Documents page.

If you don’t see your picture above and I have a release form for you, then I don’t have a picture of you or I do but other people in it have refused permission.


The Acorn Online

For those who haven’t received your latest issue of The Acorn (or even for those who have), beginning with the March 2012 issue, The Acorn is available online. If you try to follow the link in The Acorn, they missed a letter. The address is

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Membership is required to access The Acorn online. If you aren’t a member yet, now is a great time to sign up at The SCA Website.
