Lochmere Fight practice updates


For the following dates Lochmere practice will be indoors at the Howard County Sports Center, 6742 Dorsey Rd, Elkridge, MD 21075, from 6:30PM to 9:30PM. Note there will be no practice during both weeks of Pennsic. This practice space is a trial and an effort to ensure those that regularly attend Lochmere practice do not have to worry about inclement weather. Please help support the Barony by donating at practice for the use of this site.

Date: July 10, 17, & 24 & August 14 & 21

We will return to Talbot Springs Elementary on August 28th


Alric The Mad

Knights Marshal, Lochmere

Link for directions:  http://howardcountysportscenter.com/directions.html


Summer Fighter Practice Update

Lochmere fight practice will be held at the

Howard County Sports Center,
6742 Dorsey Rd
Elkridge, MD 21075,

for the following dates: July 10, 17, 24, Aug 14, 28.

Practice starts at 6:30PM, ends at 9:30PM. This indoor venue was obtained so we can continue to have a large practice space regardless of weather.

The Directions to the venue can be found here: Howard County Sports Centerexternal link.

This venue is being paid for by the Barony of Lochmere so we do not have to miss practice because of rain or even the threat of rain. We do encourage everyone who attends to help out the Barony with donations to offset the cost. Please see myself or Symone de la Rochelle for the donation jar.

I know the week after Pennsic tends to be a bit slack for folks and note we have scheduled a practice. Please show your support for this venue by attending the practice right after Pennsic. We will make sure it is worth your while.

If you have questions please contact me. I will summarize questions and answer them on list.

Alric The Mad
Knights Marshal, Lochmere


Night Under the Town 2012

Greetings Lochmerii –

What  a great event this weekend! Thank you to everyone who attended or helped in any way. Special thanks to Mistress Arianna & Lady Gwen for a well run, organized event. I didn’t get to see much of the fighting since it was mostly in/under the trees, but I hear it was a great success, so thanks to Lady Rochelle and Lord Alaric as well.  Also, big thanks to Lady Shannon, Avice, Marianna, Gwen, Vlad & Medb, and the rest of the people who stepped in to play retainer during the day – that was much appreciated.

The weather was very nice; the field looked wonderful, both Feast and Lunch were amazing, the King was delivered and picked up safely, court looked good, and things happened on time as scheduled. Congrats to all who got awards – they were very well deserved.

Our new rapier champion is Lady Armegardj Sigridsdottir. I am sure she will admirably maintain the useful & decorative standards set by Lord Alaric.

The barony received several nice items as part of the “Baronial Bling” contest. Lady Rita won with her painted tablecloth. We have a shiny new scroll-folder painted by Lady Avice to replace the cardboard/wrapping paper contraption we were previously using. We also have a beautiful wall hanging/curtain by Mistress Margery and a salt bowl created entirely from sugar (!) as a gift from Baroness Alesone from the Barony of Bhakail in the East Kingdom.

We raised $900 for the Baronial Coronet Fund. We’re still looking for input on the  designs or design elements… if you want to help design them, please sketch your ideas and show us. The coronets are going to be the hinged panel type so we can put in a spacer panel in the back to fit Galmr’s head. That way it can be removed and the thing won’t have to be worn as a belt by the  next baron. I like shiney jewels. Galmr isn’t that fond of wearing a giant crab right in the center of  his forehead… just things to keep in mind.

Thanks again for a great event!

Baroness Eydis


Baronial Court Report – Night under the Town

Unto Their Majesties, Cuán and Pádraigin, King and Queen of Atlantia; unto Their Excellencies, Galmr Ingolfsson and Eydís Herjolfrsdóttir, Baron and Baroness of Lochmere, and unto Triton Principal Herald also, greetings.

With the gracious consent of His Most Atlantian Majesty, Cuán, King of Atlantia, Their Excellencies of Lochmere held a baronial court on the afternoon of Saturday, March 31, 2012, on the fighting field of Night Under the Town.

First, Their Excellencies greeted the populace with warm words of welcome and thanked all who had attended the event. They then bade Their herald, Lady Máire inghean Dhúnchaín mhic Oisdealbhaigh call Lord Arghylle Buchanan (John Arghile) into court. For all his many acts of service to the Barony of Lochmere, Lord Arghylle was made a member of the Order of the Blasted Oak.

Next, Christian the Younger was called forth. Their Excellencies, aware of his skill in the martial arts and minded to honor Christian for that, made him a member of the Order of the Crab’s Claw.

For the service which Lord Gabrell Faircloughe rendered to the Barony, especially at Night Under the Town, Their Excellencies bestowed upon him their Award of Excellence. The blood, toil, sweat and tears shed by Lord Gabrell during the erecting of a tent on the site were especially noted by the Baron and Baroness.

Baron Galmr and Baroness Eydís then requested the presence in Their Court of Lord Alric the Mad and thanked him for his service as Their Rapier Champion. They then asked that Armegardj Sigirdsdottir come before them. Their Excellencies congratulated her on her fencing abilities and requested that she become Their new Rapier Champion as they were sore in need of one. The lady Armegardj assented and was presented with the tokens of her office.

Their Excellencies recognized Mistress Arianna Morgan, the event autocrat, and asked her to come into Their court. Mistress Arianna announced the winners of the various events and awarded the prizes to the victors. She also thanked most fulsomely those who had contributed to making Night Under the Town a most excellent event.

When Mistress Arianna had completed her business, the Baron and Baroness deemed Their court finished and so ended the Lochmere baronial court at Night Under the Town on Saturday, March 31, 2012.

Given under my hand,
Máire inghean Dhúnchaín mhic Oisdealbhaigh, Deputy Baronial Herald

Reproduced with only diacritical changes from the List.
