Court Report: 21st Baronial Birthday

Court Report: Baronial Birthday

The Court of Dominick and Margery

The following gentles received awards from Their Excellencies:

In addition, Taban Unegen was made Baronial Champion.

The official herald report for the baronial court was not available. This report is reconstructed from the awards given that day. In the event of a conflict, the herald’s report is to be considered correct.

The Court of Vladimir and Kalisa

Greetings and reverance to Their Majesties Vladimir and Kalisa, Tsar and Tsarina of this, Your Glorious Realm of Atlantia.

Find herein the report of the proceedings of your court at Lochmere Baronial Birthday, held September 26th, AS 44.

At Afternoon Court, held on the field: Symone de La Rochelle was awarded the Sea Dragon, and as such received her Award of Arms.

At Evening Court, held in the hall:

This report is a full accounting of Their Majesty’s Courts at Lochmere Baronial Birthday.

Presiding Herald: Lord Kynnyth Pyke.
