My Lords and Ladies,
In accordance with the wishes of my most merciful mistresses, I have posted the flyer for Mid-Winter Revel 2014—A Journey along the Silk Road.
Heed the call of the marketplace! The sweet smells of spice and incense, cinnamon and turmeric mingling with frankincense and myrrh; scarlet, saffron and indigo fabrics surrounded by copper and brass; the music of the qÄnÅ«n, oud, sheng, and koto fills the air….
Join us in a Journey along the Silk Road from Kyushu to Samarkand to Constantinople. Spend a day filled with music, dancing, feasting, and classes.
The Barony of Lochmere presents…
Mid-Winter Revel 2014—A Journey along the Silk Road! (Read more)