A&S Activities/Classes

Open Competition

This year’s competition is an item or depiction of an item from your favorite Song or Saga! Please provide generic documentation (what, when, where, why, and how). Also provide which Song or Saga your item is from, a stanza or verse that describes it, and why you chose this item. For example, an entry could be a carved wooden leg from SAGA AF TRISTRAM OK ÍSOND representing the carved leg Tristram created for his gaint vassal Moldagog or a painting of a statue of a king crying depicting the remorse of King Markus from the same Saga.

The item or depiction of an item can be food or drink based! Please provide an ingredient list, enough of the item for many tasters, and any serving items (plates, napkins, cups, etc.).

This competition will be judged by the populace

Please submit any questions to Lady Eilionora inghean an Bhaird at

Open Display

Working on something you’d like feedback on or finished something you would like to show off? Enter it in the display area! Provide as much information as you would like, though the suggestion is at least what it is. If you would like feedback, leave out a notebook and a sign or feel free to sit with your display throughout the day. This is for works in progress, completed works, or works that didn’t work out. This is a low stakes opportunity to show off what you do!

Please submit any questions to Lady Eilionora inghean an Bhaird at

Dance with Patches

Join Patches for European dance class. Partners not necessary and all levels welcome. Dances to be done will depend on participant interest. Live music provided by Maugorn, Rose, and any other musicians who wish to join.

Dance location will depend on the weather – please meet Patches at the Pavilion.

Bardic Circle: Story

Come, you spinners of sagas,

Gather, you tellers of tales,

Bring your fables, your fame speaking.

Ollamh Ruaidhri will await you in the shade by the A&S pavilion, at 10:00am.  Shake the cobwebs of sleep and the weariness of travel from your minds and let your stories awaken our spirits.

Bardic Circle: Song

Hear me, Stray Singers– 

Come gather in the glade, 

Sharing songs of amity and conflict 

Near the shores of the sea. 

Please join Ollam Lanea in the shade near the A&S pavilion for a bardic at 1:00 pm.

Poetry Palooza

Two-day poetry fest with multiple activities scheduled throughout Friday night and Saturday. Additional information can be found here!

Combat Archery: The Basics

Did you see the arrows flying during the armored field battles? Come learn more about them! Join THL Lewin de Partone as he discusses field tactics and integration of fighters and archers on the field. The class is geared towards new combat archers and newer fighters.  It is hands-on so wear and/or have your equipment and armor.

Meet THL Lewin on the main battle field after the last field battle concludes.